Liturgical Ministries
When we worship together, everyone in the room plays an active role in the ritual. The people in the pews aren’t an audience and the ministers in the sanctuary aren’t on stage—we are all the actors and God is the audience of our worship. But within that active assembly of believers there are special roles, or liturgical ministries. If you’re ready to take your discipleship to the next level, join one or more of these ministries.
Altar Servers
Assist the priest with the celebration of Mass. Boys and girls in sixth grade through high school plus adult servers.
Art and Environment Team
Arrange the church décor for liturgical seasons and feast days. The team includes both planners/coordinators and volunteers of all ages who help in various ways.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word Leaders
Lead worship for children in grades K-4 in the rectory during the 11:00 Sunday Mass. High School students and adults can serve as leaders.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Assist the priest and deacon with the distribution of Holy Communion during Mass. Open to active, Confirmed Catholics 16 years of age through adult.
Gift Bearers
Gift bearers represent the assembly by bringing the gifts of bread and wine to the altar at each weekend Mass. This ministry includes families with children as well as individuals and couples of all ages.
Hospitality: Outdoor Greeters
Outdoor greeters welcome people as they arrive for worship. This ministry includes families with children as well as individuals and couples of all ages. Please note: this ministry takes place outside of church in all kinds of weather and involves opening doors over and over as people arrive. Younger children can help to greet if mom or dad can work the door.
Hospitality: Ushers
Ushers help people to find seats, take up the collection, pass out bulletins, count Mass attendance, and respond to people’s needs during worship. This ministry includes families with children as well as individuals and couples of all ages.
Lay Presiders
On Tuesday evenings we celebrate Evening Prayer and on Friday mornings we celebrate Morning Prayer in the Adoration Chapel at St. Teresa Church. Lay Presiders take turns leading these services. Previous experience as a Lector is helpful.
Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Mass and other liturgical celebrations. Lectors are chosen based on ability to speak loudly and clearly and willingness to prepare readings in advance and study scripture. Eighth-grade students through adult.
Liturgy Committee
The joint St. Luke—St. Teresa Liturgy Committee assists the pastor and liturgy director with planning, evaluation, and work of preparing liturgical celebrations. Meets monthly on the second Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.
Ministry to the Sick & Homebound
Visit people who are sick or homebound to pray with them and take them Holy Communion.
Prepare the sacristy and sanctuary before Mass, plus coordinate the efforts of liturgical ministers as they prepare for worship. Eighth-grade students through adult, previous experience as a Lector or EMHC is helpful.
Altar Servers
Assist the priest with the celebration of Mass. Boys and girls in sixth grade through high school plus adult servers.
Art and Environment Team
Arrange the church décor for liturgical seasons and feast days. The team includes both planners/coordinators and volunteers of all ages who help in various ways.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word Leaders
Lead worship for children in grades K-4 in the rectory during the 11:00 Sunday Mass. High School students and adults can serve as leaders.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Assist the priest and deacon with the distribution of Holy Communion during Mass. Open to active, Confirmed Catholics 16 years of age through adult.
Gift Bearers
Gift bearers represent the assembly by bringing the gifts of bread and wine to the altar at each weekend Mass. This ministry includes families with children as well as individuals and couples of all ages.
Hospitality: Outdoor Greeters
Outdoor greeters welcome people as they arrive for worship. This ministry includes families with children as well as individuals and couples of all ages. Please note: this ministry takes place outside of church in all kinds of weather and involves opening doors over and over as people arrive. Younger children can help to greet if mom or dad can work the door.
Hospitality: Ushers
Ushers help people to find seats, take up the collection, pass out bulletins, count Mass attendance, and respond to people’s needs during worship. This ministry includes families with children as well as individuals and couples of all ages.
Lay Presiders
On Tuesday evenings we celebrate Evening Prayer and on Friday mornings we celebrate Morning Prayer in the Adoration Chapel at St. Teresa Church. Lay Presiders take turns leading these services. Previous experience as a Lector is helpful.
Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Mass and other liturgical celebrations. Lectors are chosen based on ability to speak loudly and clearly and willingness to prepare readings in advance and study scripture. Eighth-grade students through adult.
Liturgy Committee
The joint St. Luke—St. Teresa Liturgy Committee assists the pastor and liturgy director with planning, evaluation, and work of preparing liturgical celebrations. Meets monthly on the second Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.
Ministry to the Sick & Homebound
Visit people who are sick or homebound to pray with them and take them Holy Communion.
Prepare the sacristy and sanctuary before Mass, plus coordinate the efforts of liturgical ministers as they prepare for worship. Eighth-grade students through adult, previous experience as a Lector or EMHC is helpful.